FAQ’s about buying new windows

March 26, 2021

Howto evaluate your old windows and see if they are up for replacement

It’sessential to learn your options to buy replacement windows, the cost, and tojudge whether it is a good idea to repair or not.

Newwindows offer so much and are always tempting. They have smoother operations, low maintenance, energy savings,warranties and easier to clean but all that comes with a major investment.

So if you are thinking of getting replacement windows to find out these things first.

  • Is your window easy to operate?
  • Does condensation regularly gets collected on the glass?
  • Is cleaning difficult on your window?
  • Do your storm windows need replacement?
  • Are your windows in bad shape and condition – scarpingand painting?

Are your oldwindows comfortable?

If you have old, broken, inefficient andpoorly sealed windows and doors it’s doing more than make your home feelcolder, it’s increasing your heating bills. Single-pane windows oftenleave rooms feeling chilly and dry in cold weather and overheated in warm,sunny weather. Windows with double-pane glass can greatly improve the comfortof your home. They can block much of the heat of direct sunlight but stillallow the light to come through (less need for shades). They’ll reduce colddrafts and the chill of cold glass. And they’ll reduce condensation so you cankeep the indoor humidity at a higher, more comfortable level in cold weather.New energy-efficient windows will also save on your fuel bills but rarelyenough to justify the investment if your old windows are still in good shape.

Are your oldwindows worth repairing?

It is possible to repair and restore your old windows up to a certain extent but it will take some time and repair tools. Although it is not always worth your efforts and expense when the problems are bigger like:

  • Rot
  • Sagging casement (crank-out) windows
  • Fogged double-pane glass
  • Hard-to-find replacement hardware

What should I keep in mind while buyingreplacement windows?

Quality is a matter of detail. So we stronglyrecommend that you visit a showroom where you can compare windows of differentbrands or different models within the same brand to buy replacement windows.Check these features and answer these questions:

Appearance. Yourwindows bring out the certain personality of your house that is why it isalways best to pick out the right one. Questions you should consider are:  does the style of the windows blend well onthe interior and exterior? Are the wood or vinyl joints well made? Do themuntins (grids that divide the glass) fit tightly and cleanly? Is the hardwareattractive? Unless you’re trying to match existing window colors, choose alow-maintenance exterior (such as vinyl or aluminum) so you’ll never have toscrape and touch up the paint.

Operation. Thepoint of getting new windows is that it makes your life easier.  So always try out the display windows and seewhich one would be suitable and easily operated for the desired location. Dothey open and close smoothly? Are the cranks, runners and locking devices solidand do they look as though they’ll withstand heavy use? Does the window latchfirmly without too much effort? Does the weather-stripping fit snugly? Are thescreens solidly built and easy to remove?

Cleaning. Makesure that the windows are easy to maintain and clean. Interior & exterior.

Service. Are parts available if something should break or wear out? Can you replace the weather-stripping when it wears out? Both these questions favor window companies with long track records because they’ll likely serve their customers well into the future. If the glass breaks or fogs, how difficult and costly is the replacement?

Warranties. Compare the warranties for parts and finishes. Probably the most frustrating (and expensive) problem is the failure of the seal between double pane glass and the resulting fog. Look for a warranty that covers glass replacement for up to 20 years. Note: Keep the receipt for your window purchase and the warranty in your records.

Glass selection. Double-paneglass windows are energy efficient windows and are usually standard now. Mostmanufacturers have two variations of this type of glass, one designed for coldclimates and one designed to control sunlight in warmer climates. So alwayschoose accordingly depending on where you live.

If you have any questions ask the experts at RyanWindows & Siding for more details at 507-281-6363 or visit us online atwww.ryan-ws.com.

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